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What questions should I ask my CFD broker before I start investing?



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Hello Komu,

CFD trading is an acceptable form of investment where you can make a good profit if the market favors you. However, you can also make losses if the market moves against you.
The first big choice you need to make is in the broker you want to deal with to succeed in CFD trading. The broker you choose will largely influence how successful you will be in CFD trading. Before selecting one, you need to ask him several questions, after which you will decide whether you want to work with him or not.
One question you need to ask your broker is about the margin requirement. If a broker offers a margin requirement, then what you need to deposit first will be less than the actual amount. If the broker gives a large amount of leverage, you will be more flexible in utilizing your capital.
It would help if you enquired whether the broker offers a stop-loss order. Stop-loss orders help minimize losses in case a certain trade moves against you.
You can also ask whether the broker offers spreads and if they do, how narrow are they? Before you enter any trade, always make sure that the spread is much so that you can gain a good trade. 
It would be best if you also asked the assets classes that the platform offers so that you can go for the one that suits you best.
Another central question you should also ask is the fees that the broker charges. You need to consider if the money you will spend on the costs is worth the broker's services.

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