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Can I buy 1 share of stock?



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Hello, thank you for your question!

Yes, it is possible to buy one share of stock, it all depends on the type of stock which you are buying, and its respective price. When wanting to buy a new stock, it is important to find out about the price of that stock. The next step is to allocate funds for buying, so it is easier to determine how many stocks you will buy.  

Just because you can buy one stock, doesn’t mean you should, when investing it is advisable to diversify your investments, to lower potential risks, if some of your stocks fluctuate, you will have other ones to rely on. When starting to invest you should look to grow your portfolio until it reaches around 10-15 different stocks, which is an average number advisable.

In recent years, there is an emerging trend, where brokers buy fractions of a share, for a lower price than the actual share. This brings several advantages where investors who want to buy expensive shares but don’t have enough funds, can buy a fraction of it, or they can’t buy the whole number of shares, can buy per se 1.5, 2.6, etc.

In summary, it all depends upon how many shares you want to buy, do you want to diversify your portfolio, and what are the brokerage fees.


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Hi, thank you for your question!

 It is possible to buy one share of stock, nowadays it is even possible to buy fractions of stock, in case that the stock which you want to buy is too expensive, you can buy one fraction of it or more. These fractions determine how much stock you own. Then, when you want to sell it, you get the amount of money equal to your fractions.

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Hello, thanks for asking! 

You most definitely can buy one share of stock, or a single stock, actually it is advised from the experts working at Forbes magazine that beginners should buy one single secure stock that will enable them to get ahead and learn the basics when it comes to the stocks trading.

You can also buy stock through a broker if you have some extra money because brokers charge around $100 per stock purchased, or you can go through online brokers which cost less ($10-$20) but for that price, you won’t get any guidance and expertise coming from brokers regarding the specific stock.

Prior to buying a stock, it is a good thing to “screen” it, which means to check its previous prices, trading volumes, standard and cap lines, and other things which may prove as indicators of how well your stock will perform in the future.

When you are ready to buy the stock, you should sign in to your account, add the wished stock to your cart, and click the review order in that section so you can choose the number of stocks you wish to buy. The last step is to purchase, and after that the stock is yours.

There is an alternative way of being, which is directly from corporations, there are numbers of larger corporations which offer this form of purchase when you buy stocks like this, you don’t pay commission.

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Have you ever tried to trade and failed? I recommend you to try primecryptomarket.c-o-m” this is the only trading site I can vouch for. They have really good AI trading bots. I have made over 700, 000 USD on their platform and I have withdrawn 15 times with ease.

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Have you ever tried to trade and failed? I recommend you to try primecryptomarket.c-o-m” this is the only trading site I can vouch for. They have really good AI trading bots. I have made over 700, 000 USD on their platform and I have withdrawn 15 times with ease.

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